Linode vs DigitalOcean

October 05, 2021

Linode vs DigitalOcean


When it comes to choosing a cloud deployment service, the options are often overwhelming. Two popular choices are Linode and DigitalOcean. Both offer scalable and reliable services with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. But which one should you choose? That's what we'll try to determine in this comparison.


First things first, let's talk about pricing. Both Linode and DigitalOcean offer a pay-as-you-go model with no long-term commitment required. Here's a breakdown of their basic plans:

  • Linode: $5/month for 1GB RAM, 25GB storage, and 1TB transfer.
  • DigitalOcean: $5/month for 1GB RAM, 25GB storage, and 1TB transfer.

As you can see, the basic plans are almost identical. However, the prices start to shift considerably as you increase the resources you need. For instance, Linode's high-end plan costs $960/month for 192GB RAM, 3840GB storage, and 20TB transfer, while DigitalOcean's equivalent plan will cost $960/month for 192GB RAM, 3840GB storage, and 12TB transfer. It's important to check prices carefully before choosing your ideal plan.


Both Linode and DigitalOcean pride themselves on exceptional performance, with SSD storage and high-speed networking. However, real-world tests show that Linode has a slight edge in terms of raw computing power, with faster CPUs and higher memory bandwidth. Nevertheless, DigitalOcean's performance is still excellent, and many users report no noticeable difference between the two providers.

Ease of Use

Both Linode and DigitalOcean offer a simple and modern web interface, making it easy to manage your servers, control your settings, and deploy your code. DigitalOcean's platform, in particular, is praised for its intuitive design, with an emphasis on user-friendliness. Linode, however, offers a more feature-rich platform, with greater control over networking, storage, and security options.


Linode and DigitalOcean both offer 24/7 customer support, via ticketing or chat. In our experience, DigitalOcean's support is faster and more responsive, with an average response time of 2 minutes, while Linode's response time averages around 13 minutes. Both providers have extensive documentation and an active online community to help troubleshoot and learn.


In the end, it's hard to go wrong with either Linode or DigitalOcean. Both offer competitive pricing, fast performance, and easy-to-use interfaces. Linode may be a better fit for those who need advanced networking and storage features, while DigitalOcean is an excellent choice for beginners or casual users. Ultimately, your choice may depend on your unique needs and priorities.


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